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Located in the central region of eastern Africa, South Sudan is the newest country in the world. It was officially recognized by United Nations in August, 2011. Ravaged by civil war and tribal strife over the past two decades, the country has enjoyed a relative peace since its birth eighteen months ago. Unfortunately the long intervals of fighting and instability have contributed to South Sudan becoming a country without well-organized medical infrastructure in rural areas outside the capital of Juba.


Morobo County is situated within the province of Central Equatoria. The remote location and limited resources contribute to its socioeconomic isolation and lack of any tertiary medical services. The nearest hospital with surgical capability is in the city of Yei, approximately two hours by motorized vehicle and days by foot. The country's location is also in close proximity to the boarder of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) which makes it susceptible to any civil or military unrest in those countries. 


The World Outreach Ministry Foundation (WOMF) is based in Uganda and works in several countries throughout Africa, including South Sudan. The organization maintains a compound and supports Pacific Northwest Surgical Outreach by providing transportation, room & boarding, and general logistical support for the expeditions.


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